Justice for Children Policy Brief: Evidence & Data

Inspiring Children’s Futures is delighted to present the Working Group on SDG16+ Justice for Children Policy Brief: Evidence & Data - Child-centred Methodologies and Gamechangers to Achieve Justice for Children.

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This Policy Brief outlines actions needed to close the evidence and data gap, to achieve justice for children. It puts forward recommendations to improve current data collection and data governance – incorporating new holistic evidence initiatives and approaches. It presents 7 emerging Gamechangers, or evidence informed service-level innovations, to shift systems to become more child-centred. Finally, it outlines key next steps to accelerate child justice transformations.

In 2022, the SDG16+ Working Group on Justice for Children published the Justice for Children Agenda for Action to implement change across four key strategic levers needed to accelerate change for children:

1. Building new types of partnerships, including intergenerational networks.

2. Developing strategies for smarter financing; building the case to shift investment to children’s inclusion and well-being, and the political support for prevention.

3. Using evidence and data to steer child-centred reforms, including disaggregated data, child friendly methodologies and child-centred views to drive change.

4. Scaling up justice innovations, and applying imagination and safeguards for digital justice tools with children.

The themes of these key strategic levers form the basis of our four Justice for Children Policy Briefs.

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Reflections from UN High-Level Political Forum 2024 Official Side Event- SDG16: Accelerating Progress to Achieve Justice for Children


UN High-Level Political Forum 2024! SDG16: Accelerating Progress to Achieve Justice for Children