
We work to ensure children are at the heart of an emerging global movement for people-centred justice. We advance a new understanding of child-centred justice, which not only aims to overcome the challenges children face in accessing legal justice, but promotes a holistic notion of justice which serves as an enabler of children’s human rights, opportunities, and development to their full potential.

We strive to ensure children are not ‘left behind’ in our collective efforts to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 16. Through our international, multi-agency partnerships, we are working to make sure that children play a growing, yet essential, role in this global movement to achieve SDG 16 and in national-level justice reforms. 

Our Projects

  • The Justice for Children, Justice for All SDG 16+ Project offers a new starting point to realise UN Sustainable Development Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

    See more here!

  • Inspiring Children’s Futures is a proud partner in developing and supporting this new and exciting initiative, led by the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just & Inclusive Societies, alongside Terre des hommes and UN Foundation Next Generation Fellows.

    The Young Justice Leaders initiative will create a space for young leaders working towards justice for all, to discuss, contribute, engage and share expertise with one another and others intergenerationally in the larger justice movement, in the lead up to the United Nations SDG Summit in 2023.

    For more information, see here!

  • Leaders across governments, international NGOs and wider civil society are raising their voices to call for greater action, accountability, and meaningful participation in our efforts to create child-centred justice systems.

    These leaders contributed to the World Congress on Justice with Children through a series of videos, developed jointly with the SDG 16+ Pathfinders for Justice, Justice for Children project coordinated by Inspiring Children’s Futures, with the World Congress on Justice with Children and the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice.

    For more information and to access the videos, see here!

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