Inspiring Children's Futures is a partnership at the University of Strathclyde with a collective vision of ensuring that children and young people have what they need to reach their full potential, particularly those facing adversity.

There is a stark gap between our collective ambitions for children, and the daily lived realities of many children around the world.

Despite evidence which shows that children’s wellbeing is an important indicator of future societal stability and economic prosperity, there is still a long way to go to prioritise children in decisions which affect their lives so that we can fully realise all children’s human rights.

To help close this gap, children’s human rights and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development guide our efforts as we work to reveal and resolve the structural barriers preventing children from fulfilling their potential. We work with a range of interdisciplinary partners to develop the evidence-base and strengthen the political will to support effective policy and practice responses for children, especially those who are most likely to be ‘left behind’.

Check out our latest work!

Our Key Priority Areas

We reveal and help resolve the key challenges and barriers to children fulfilling their full potential, whilst keeping a steady focus on the preventative approaches required to shape better futures. By anticipating the future, we support prevention; by enhancing the present, we identify mitigating factors; and by enhancing the future, we apply the best responses now. 

Check out our 2025 - 2030 Strategy!


Our Projects

To bring our key priority areas to life, we are working with a number of key partners, in over 20 countries worldwide.

Our current projects include:

See more about our Past Projects.